The story of three days spent between Krenus and Milan.
Back from the Milan Games Week we just wanted to share some memories and experiences of this exciting adventure. This was our first fair and it was an important occasion to present our new game in a market that’s looking lively and dynamic, even in Italy.
The reason we took part with a game in alpha is quite simple: we wanted to introduce ourselves to players, first and foremost, but also to our peers and the press. So, we took the opportunity to recruit playtesters who, unlike those chosen previously from among card players, also came from other genres.
Overall, the experience was very positive: the feedback we got was very encouraging from the players, peers, and the press in general. This has not only given us greater confidence in the strategic choices our team has already made, but has also shown us that we’re moving in the right direction.
Both the style of the graphics and the gameplay mechanics were much appreciated, the latter being regarded as innovative and profound. Last but not least, we also received some valuable constructive criticism, which we will certainly take to heart.
The environment, on the whole, was brilliant: The AESVI people did a great job and the feeling among the indie developers was really solid. At the end of the adventure we still wondered: what would we change, if we could go back?
It would definitely have been useful to have had an extra demonstrator.
The decision to show a real match, explained directly by us, the developers, rather than relying on a tutorial, kept us really busy throughout the fair. Instead, another person at our side would have given us more time and energy to dedicate to our peers, other games, and the press.
We’ll be bearing all of this in mind for the next fair.